Do not let one source of income stop you from making another source of income!
There are 4 ways to make money here are they, an employee which is trading time for money; do not get me wrong your job is important because it could assist you with basic needs which is a must in order for you to live, but there is only so much one person can do in 24 hours, do not let your job be your only source of income. Self-employment is another area where money can be made but unlike a job these position such has a barber, artist and others like it requires time out of the day and you have to be present to operate that job,(now I am not saying to quit your job, but at the same time if you are down and out then it is time for a change.) The next source of income is Investing, we can make a good amount of money, but at the same time you are trading time for money, investing in itself is wise but you still need money and some time aside for it to grow. A suggestion would be to purchase small stocks shares while you are working so you can make residual income.
The next money-making strategies on the list is owning a business and I am not speaking of an actual business where you have to be there physically or one where you have to purchase for a large amount of money so you can make money , this is not a good idea because most people do not have millions of dollars off hand, and do you recall how much it cost to operate one? Instead, you could have a home-based business, where you could leverage other people stories who are successful in the business and at the same time gain money while learning and using skill sets taught following a marketing system, has a travel professional you can start using your own products and share with others what you have your hands on, a travel business owner can book their own trip and others and get paid on it, and they could they could also share the marketing system with others and get access to supplemental income, where money is there for the next generation.
Your money needs to be working for you not you working for it. If you have any comments, please message below.